Proceeding book 2018

GSGS 2018 was held in Neuchâtel, on July 5 & 6, as part of the NIFFF Extended.

GSGS’18 speeches

Important note: speeches of GSGS can be presented in English, French or German, they are simultaneously translated during the event. However, all posters, speech slides, and short papers must be in English.



Chair introduction

Vera Bustomante, “Health & Silver Techno”

Speech #1.1

Antje Horsch | Development of an early intervention to prevent posttraumatic stress symptoms

Speech #1.2

Christophe Bolinhas | First steps towards a virtual coach within a SG to prevent MSD

Speech #1.3

Francesco Carrino | IMPACT – A Serious Game in Virtual and Augmented Reality to Enhance Mirror Therapy

Speech #1.4

Kevin Rosianu | Aristotle. Move & learn

Speech #1.5

Vincent Lemaire | Introduction to cardiopulmonary resuscitation in virtual reality (VR) actions that save

Speech #1.6

Maria Sisto | Virtual Reality puzzle game for Musculoskeletal disorders prevention


Session chair introduction

Sandy Ingram, “Architecture & Urbanism”

Speech #2.1

Raphael Chevailler | A Serious Game in Mixed Reality Toward Urban Network Development

Speech #2.2

Vanessa De Luca | Social Power App: encouraging energy saving behaviour through play, learning and social interaction

Speech #2.3

Tobias Koppeler | Vistom, virtual studios, tools and methods

Speech #2.4

Pierre-Nicolas Carron | Gamified-ED3D project


All architecture & urbanism sessions speakers and chairs


Session chair introduction

Bruno Herbelin, “Economy & Ecology”

Speech #3.1

Mela Kocher | Save the Water! Serious Game for Water Management of Chinese Farmers

Speech #3.2

Yassin Aziz Rekik |Augmented Reality for Context Gamification: Escape Rooms as examples

Speech #3.3

Antoine Widmer | Gamification in Tourism, an analysis of needs and expectations

Speech #3.4

 Shékina Rochat | Career Counseling Interventions with Video Game Players

Speech #3.5

Antoine Widmer | Pearl Arbor, a Serious Game for Anthropocene Awareness


All economy & ecology sessions speakers and chairs

Invited interactive talk

Vincent Bourquin | Gordon Bennett gas balloon 2D and 3D-Game



Session chair introduction

Dragika Kahlina, “Education & Training”

Speech #4.1

Megann Stephan | Les Chroniques d’Ana

Speech #4.2

Ludivine Marquis | ArcheoGame – A Serious Game in the field of Archeology

Speech #4.3

Frédéric Fischer | HapticBikeTraining Project

Speech #4.4

Sidney Bovet | Adapting to typing in VR with a Serious Game

Speech #4.5

Ivan Gulizia | How to create a video game on paper during workshop dedicated to videoludic expression?

Speech #4.6

Gregory Vauthier | Serious visual novel game in history class: what learning?


All education & training session speakers and chair

Invited interactive talk

Frédéric Thys | Virtual reality, gamification and serious games:missing link in learning emergency medicine?


Session chair introduction

Mela Kocher, “Social & Politics”

Speech #5.1

Florence Quinche | A game to prevent racism against Rroma people

Speech #5.2

Mathilde Buenerd | Optimized Talk: what future for digital personal assistants in the communication field?

Speech #5.3

Bettina Wegenast | Bringing people in retirement homes together with computer games

Speech #5.4

Vanessa De Luca | Learning from the reality: InLife game-based scenarios for sustainable and inclusive behaviours

Speech #5.5

Tabea Iseli | Bayhem – An off-the-wall look at games with purpose


All social & politics speakers & chairs

Invited interactive talk

Ariane Wunderli | LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – Play with a purpose


Best GSGS’18 demo

Vincent Lemaire

Be! Rescuer
“Introduction to cardiopulmonary resuscitation in virtual reality (VR) actions that save”

Best GSGS’18 contribution

Bettina Wegenast

Fabelfabrik GmbH
“Bringing people in retirement homes together with computer games”

Best student contribution

Ivan Gulizia

“How to create a video game on paper during workshop dedicated to videoludic expression?”